The holidays are right around the corner, and it’s the perfect opportunity to show your employees how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication. Giving your employees a meaningful corporate gift is an important action of recognition that will make them feel valued and respected. What’s more, gifts during the holidays are practically expected nowadays, plus they’re great for spreading joy and building team morale.
Not sure which gift to get your employees? A gift box is a great option that offers something special for every member of your team. In this post, we will guide you through putting together the perfect gift box for your employees to show them how much you appreciate their diligence and loyalty.
What Do You Put in an Employee Gift Box?
An employee gift box is a wonderful opportunity to get creative and think about some great gifts that your employees would enjoy. We always encourage corporate gifts that coincide with your organization’s mission and values. If you are hoping to make the gift boxes even more personalized, you may consider including one item for each person on your team in the basket. That way, you’d be giving the gift of company values while recognizing each individual member of your team at the same time.
When you are brainstorming which items you’d like to include in your employee gift box, keep these ideas in mind and you will never go wrong:
- Your organization’s values, mission, and culture.
- Your employees’ personal interests and tastes.
- The message you want to send to your employees with your gift.
Ideas for Gift Boxes for Employees
If you’re still having trouble thinking of the right items to include in your employee gift box, we’ve created this short list of thoughtful and creative gifts that your employees may love.
- Holiday-scented candles.
- A thoughtfully designed coffee table book.
- Gift cards to local restaurants.
- Wireless headphones.
- Gourmet cheeses or desserts.
- A nice bottle of wine or liquor.
- Smartwatches.
How Do I Give an Employee A Gift?
Giving a gift to your employees may seem straightforward, but there are often some questions that you may have surrounding the tax implications of the gift. The way the IRS sees it, almost any gift that an employer gives to its employees can count as additional income that employees will have to pay taxes on, which will do nothing for boosting team morale. Luckily, there is an easy way to get around this.
As long as the gifts you give to your employees are considered “de minimis”, you can give all the gifts you’d like without having to worry. A de minimis fringe benefit, according to the IRS, is a benefit that has a “value…so small as to make accounting for it unreasonable or impractical.” De minimis benefits are not taxable and include things like holiday gifts, occasional snacks or entertainment tickets, flowers, fruit, books, etc. Cash gifts such as gift certificates usually do not qualify as de minimis under the IRS.
Your Resource for Corporate Gifting
If you’re searching for a great employee appreciation gift, giving a gift box is an easy solution that will be exciting for your employees and build team morale. If you’re looking to learn more about improving relations between your business, customers, employees, and suppliers through gifting, check out our blog for more tips and lessons on corporate gifting and relationships.